Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Eurovision 2012 Preview: Pot 5

Just two more pots to go before moving onto our finalists!  This is our most random pot to date, and if anyone can see the pattern in the countries, please share...

First Appearance:  1965
Highest Place:  1st (1970, 1980, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996)

Jedward - "Waterline"

The Crayola Twins are back for another shot at the prize.  And I can't believe I'm saying this, but....that song is really damn catchy.  Like humming all day catchy.  And if last year taught us anything, it's that they do know how to put on a show.  I really can't believe I'm gonna write this next part, but if they sing like this live and they put on a great performance, Jedward could be your new Eurovision champion.

First Appearance:  2000
Highest Place:  1st (2002)

Anmary - "Beautiful Song"

A surprisingly restrained song that reminds me a bit of the Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swift version of pop country (am I the only one who hears a bit of a twang there?).  Simple, but unique, is frequently underrated but can definitely win people over ("Satellite" springs to mind) so I wouldn't be shocked if this winds up doing a lot better than the odds suggest.  Plus, the Anglophiles might be willing to throw it a few points for the references to Johnny Logan (three time Eurovision winner for Ireland), Mick Jagger, and Paul McCartney.

First Appearance:  1994
Highest Place:  6th (2006)

Donny Montell - "Love Is Blind"

The best part of this song is the somewhat unexpected shift between ballad to disco dance number, and the fact that his voice sounds good in both halves may win him some points (especially from the swooning female youth).  Don't expect a shocking win though.

First Appearance:  1971
Highest Place:  2nd (2002, 2005)

Kurt Calleja - "This Is the Night"

So, speaking of swooning female fans, Kurt Calleja seems poised to pick up more of those than even Tooji or his other young male pop star competitors.  Malta has been one of the most successful countries to never win Eurovision, although lately it hasn't been doing too well.  It's a long shot to win, but don't be surprised if this catchy pop song winds up making it into, and doing well, in the finals.  Bonus points for writing his own lyrics and music.

First Appearance:  1964
Highest Place:  6th (1996)

Filipa Sousa - "Vida Minha"

Moving away from pop, we have Portugal's Fado entry.  Sousa certainly knows how to sing and truly captures the longing and melancholia of the genre (translation of the lyrics available here) .  If it sounds a bit familiar, the songwriter also wrote Portugal's 2008 entry "Senhora do mar (Negras aguas)" (also Fado) as well as entries for Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Unfortunately, it likely won't do as well as it probably deserves ("Senhora do mar" only came in 13th).  Interesting note, Portugal has never submitted a song other than in Portuguese.

First Appearance:  1994
Highest Place:  3rd (2005, 2010)

Mandinga - "Zaleilah"

I'd never heard a Latin dance song featuring a bagpipe until this (translation available here).  Soloist Elena Ionescu was advised by another Romanian singer to appear as naked on stage as possible in order to be remembered.  Frankly, it's upbeat and fun, which is really what dance and pop music is all about.  I must say, I'm a little sad that it beat out the Stephenie Meyer-inspired "Twilight" (and before you ask, that would not be the first Eurovision song about vampires).

My final thoughts?  Look for Jedward to make a dash for first, hopefully with Malta hot on their heels.

What is your favorite act from Pot 5?

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